Land Surface Phenology and Trend Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘greenbrown’ version 2.4.3

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greenbrown-package Land Surface Phenology and Trend Analysis
AccuracyAssessment Accuracy assessment from a contingency table
AllEqual Check if all values in a vector are the same
AllTsteps Convert an irregular zoo time series to a zoo time series with all time steps
AnomaliesFiltersLags Calculate anomalies, lags and rolling windows
brgr.colors Brown-to-green color palette for NDVI trend maps
ColorMatrix Create a square matrix of colors
CompareClassification Compare two classification maps
CorrectDOY Correct day-of-year time series
CropNA Crop outer NA values from a raster
Decompose Simple decomposition of time series
FillPermanentGaps Fill permanent gaps in time series
FitDoubleLogBeck Fit a double logisitic function to a vector according to Beck et al. (2006)
FitDoubleLogElmore Fit a double logisitic function to a vector according to Elmore et al. (2012)
GetInfoVI3g Get meta-information from GIMMS VI3g binary file names
GetTsStatisticsRaster Estimate statistical properties of time series in a multi-temporal raster dataset
greenbrown Land Surface Phenology and Trend Analysis
Greenup Identify greenup and senescence periods in time series
InterpolateMatrix Interpolate NA values in a matrix using a moving mean
IsPermanentGap Identify if a gap in a time series occurs permanently
Kappa Calculate the Kappa coefficient of two classifications
KGE Compute Kling-Gupta efficiency and related metrics of two time series
KGERaster Compute Kling-Gupta efficiency and related metrics of two multi-layer raster data sets
KGETrendUncertainty Compute uncertainty of Kling-Gupta efficiency based on beginning and end of time series
LmSeasonalCycle Calculate the mean seasonal cycle of a time series based on a linear model
MannKendallSeg Apply MannKendall test for segments of a time series
MapBreakpoints Plot map of breakpoints
MeanSeasonalCycle Calculate the mean seasonal cycle of a time series
NamesPhenologyRaster Get the layer names for a PhenologyRaster raster brick
NamesTrendRaster Get the layer names for a TrendRaster raster brick
ndvi Time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
ndvimap Map of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NoBP Initialize an empty list with breakpoints
NoTrend Initialize an empty object of class "Trend"
NoUnc Initialize an empty data.frame for trend uncertainties
PhenoDeriv Method 'Deriv' to calculate phenology metrics
Phenology Calculate phenology metrics in time series
PhenologyNCDF Calculate phenology metrics on time series in gridded (raster) data stored in NetCDF files
PhenologyRaster Calculate phenology metrics on time series in gridded (raster) data
PhenopixMY Multi-year phenology analysis using phenopix
PhenoTrs Method 'Trs' to calculate phenology metrics
plot.CompareClassification plot a comparison of two classification rasters
plot.Phenology Plot time series of phenology metrics
plot.PhenopixMY Plot multi-year phenopix objects
plot.Trend Plot trend and breakpoint results
plot.TrendGradient Plotting function for objects of class TrendGradient
plot.TrendSample Plot uncertainty of estimated trend dependent on start and end dates of time series
PlotPhenCycle Plot a easonal cycle with phenology metrics
PolygonNA Plot a polygon by accounting for NA values (breaks in polygon)
print.Phenology Prints phenology metrics
print.Trend Prints trends
ReadVI3g Read and pre-process GIMMS VI3g binary files
Seasonality Check a time series for seasonality
SimIAV Simulate the inter-annual variability component of a surrogate time series
SimRem Simulate the short-term variability component of a surrogate time series
SimSeas Simulate the seasonal component of a surrogate time series
SimTrend Simulate trend and breakpoints of a surrogate time series
SimTs Simulate surrogate time series
SplitRasterEqually Splits a raster in equal-area parts
SSASeasonalCycle Calculate a modulated seasonal cycle of a time series based on singular spectrum analysis (SSA)
Trend Calculate trends and trend changes in time series
TrendAAT Trend estimation based on annual aggregated time series
TrendClassification Classify a raster in greening and browning trends
TrendGradient Calculate temporal trends along a spatial gradient
TrendLongestSEG Extract slope and p-value for the longest time series segment from a TrendRaster raster brick
TrendNCDF Calculate trends and trend statistics on time series in gridded (raster) data stored in a NetCDF file
TrendPoly Trend estimation based on a 4th order polynomial
TrendRaster Calculate trends on time series in gridded (raster) data
TrendRQ Trend estimation based on quantile regression
TrendRunmed Trend estimation based on a running median
TrendSample Compute trend statistics by sampling a time series according to different start and end dates
TrendSeasonalAdjusted Trend estimation based on seasonal-adjusted time series
TrendSegmentsRaster Identify for each multi-temporal raster layer the number of the trend segment
TrendSpline Trend estimation based on a smoothing splines
TrendSSA Trend estimation based on SSA (singluar spectrum analysis)
TrendSTL Trend estimation based on STL (Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess)
TrendSTM Trend estimation based on a season-trend model
TrendUncertainty Compute uncertainties in trend statistics according to different start and end dates
TSGFdoublelog Temporal smoothing and gap filling using double logisitic functions
TSGFlinear Temporal smoothing and gap filling using linear interpolation
TSGFphenopix Temporal smoothing and gap filling using phenopix
TSGFspline Temporal smoothing and gap filling using splines
TSGFssa Temporal smoothing and gap filling using singular spectrum analysis
TSGFstm Temporal smoothing and gap filling based on a season-trend model
TsPP Pre-processing of time series
WriteNCDF Write raster objects to NetCDF files
WriteNCDF4 Write NetCDF files