greenbrown-package |
Land Surface Phenology and Trend Analysis |
AccuracyAssessment |
Accuracy assessment from a contingency table |
AllEqual |
Check if all values in a vector are the same |
AllTsteps |
Convert an irregular zoo time series to a zoo time series with all time steps |
AnomaliesFiltersLags |
Calculate anomalies, lags and rolling windows |
brgr.colors |
Brown-to-green color palette for NDVI trend maps |
ColorMatrix |
Create a square matrix of colors |
CompareClassification |
Compare two classification maps |
CorrectDOY |
Correct day-of-year time series |
CropNA |
Crop outer NA values from a raster |
Decompose |
Simple decomposition of time series |
FillPermanentGaps |
Fill permanent gaps in time series |
FitDoubleLogBeck |
Fit a double logisitic function to a vector according to Beck et al. (2006) |
FitDoubleLogElmore |
Fit a double logisitic function to a vector according to Elmore et al. (2012) |
GetInfoVI3g |
Get meta-information from GIMMS VI3g binary file names |
GetTsStatisticsRaster |
Estimate statistical properties of time series in a multi-temporal raster dataset |
greenbrown |
Land Surface Phenology and Trend Analysis |
Greenup |
Identify greenup and senescence periods in time series |
InterpolateMatrix |
Interpolate NA values in a matrix using a moving mean |
IsPermanentGap |
Identify if a gap in a time series occurs permanently |
Kappa |
Calculate the Kappa coefficient of two classifications |
Compute Kling-Gupta efficiency and related metrics of two time series |
KGERaster |
Compute Kling-Gupta efficiency and related metrics of two multi-layer raster data sets |
KGETrendUncertainty |
Compute uncertainty of Kling-Gupta efficiency based on beginning and end of time series |
LmSeasonalCycle |
Calculate the mean seasonal cycle of a time series based on a linear model |
MannKendallSeg |
Apply MannKendall test for segments of a time series |
MapBreakpoints |
Plot map of breakpoints |
MeanSeasonalCycle |
Calculate the mean seasonal cycle of a time series |
NamesPhenologyRaster |
Get the layer names for a PhenologyRaster raster brick |
NamesTrendRaster |
Get the layer names for a TrendRaster raster brick |
ndvi |
Time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
ndvimap |
Map of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
NoBP |
Initialize an empty list with breakpoints |
NoTrend |
Initialize an empty object of class "Trend" |
NoUnc |
Initialize an empty data.frame for trend uncertainties |
PhenoDeriv |
Method 'Deriv' to calculate phenology metrics |
Phenology |
Calculate phenology metrics in time series |
PhenologyNCDF |
Calculate phenology metrics on time series in gridded (raster) data stored in NetCDF files |
PhenologyRaster |
Calculate phenology metrics on time series in gridded (raster) data |
PhenopixMY |
Multi-year phenology analysis using phenopix |
PhenoTrs |
Method 'Trs' to calculate phenology metrics |
plot.CompareClassification |
plot a comparison of two classification rasters |
plot.Phenology |
Plot time series of phenology metrics |
plot.PhenopixMY |
Plot multi-year phenopix objects |
plot.Trend |
Plot trend and breakpoint results |
plot.TrendGradient |
Plotting function for objects of class TrendGradient |
plot.TrendSample |
Plot uncertainty of estimated trend dependent on start and end dates of time series |
PlotPhenCycle |
Plot a easonal cycle with phenology metrics |
PolygonNA |
Plot a polygon by accounting for NA values (breaks in polygon) |
print.Phenology |
Prints phenology metrics |
print.Trend |
Prints trends |
ReadVI3g |
Read and pre-process GIMMS VI3g binary files |
Seasonality |
Check a time series for seasonality |
SimIAV |
Simulate the inter-annual variability component of a surrogate time series |
SimRem |
Simulate the short-term variability component of a surrogate time series |
SimSeas |
Simulate the seasonal component of a surrogate time series |
SimTrend |
Simulate trend and breakpoints of a surrogate time series |
SimTs |
Simulate surrogate time series |
SplitRasterEqually |
Splits a raster in equal-area parts |
SSASeasonalCycle |
Calculate a modulated seasonal cycle of a time series based on singular spectrum analysis (SSA) |
Trend |
Calculate trends and trend changes in time series |
TrendAAT |
Trend estimation based on annual aggregated time series |
TrendClassification |
Classify a raster in greening and browning trends |
TrendGradient |
Calculate temporal trends along a spatial gradient |
TrendLongestSEG |
Extract slope and p-value for the longest time series segment from a TrendRaster raster brick |
TrendNCDF |
Calculate trends and trend statistics on time series in gridded (raster) data stored in a NetCDF file |
TrendPoly |
Trend estimation based on a 4th order polynomial |
TrendRaster |
Calculate trends on time series in gridded (raster) data |
TrendRQ |
Trend estimation based on quantile regression |
TrendRunmed |
Trend estimation based on a running median |
TrendSample |
Compute trend statistics by sampling a time series according to different start and end dates |
TrendSeasonalAdjusted |
Trend estimation based on seasonal-adjusted time series |
TrendSegmentsRaster |
Identify for each multi-temporal raster layer the number of the trend segment |
TrendSpline |
Trend estimation based on a smoothing splines |
TrendSSA |
Trend estimation based on SSA (singluar spectrum analysis) |
TrendSTL |
Trend estimation based on STL (Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess) |
TrendSTM |
Trend estimation based on a season-trend model |
TrendUncertainty |
Compute uncertainties in trend statistics according to different start and end dates |
TSGFdoublelog |
Temporal smoothing and gap filling using double logisitic functions |
TSGFlinear |
Temporal smoothing and gap filling using linear interpolation |
TSGFphenopix |
Temporal smoothing and gap filling using phenopix |
TSGFspline |
Temporal smoothing and gap filling using splines |
TSGFssa |
Temporal smoothing and gap filling using singular spectrum analysis |
TSGFstm |
Temporal smoothing and gap filling based on a season-trend model |
TsPP |
Pre-processing of time series |
WriteNCDF |
Write raster objects to NetCDF files |
WriteNCDF4 |
Write NetCDF files |